Thursday, June 26, 2008


My evaluation for the SCAMP awards

I think copyright was the main issue when it came to the adverts. Many students including myself copied and pasted images off the internet onto our posters. Some websites that don’t want you using their images don’t allow you to copy and paste, the ones that you can take the images from, you are still not allowed to publish them. Also on my radio advert I used a well known song as my back track, if I were to publish my radio advert I would have to contact them and ask permission to use their song.

When I was designing my poster and radio advert I was aware that it couldn’t contain any explicit images or swearing due to the audience of children. So I based my adverts on that coming up with a simple but informative design. I also knew that whatever was printed about the event was representing Crawley College, therefore it had to be tasteful.

I would say the night was a great success and every guest of the audience I spoke to was very impressed with the professionalism of the evening. If we had a larger fund and a bigger venue with a wider variety of audience, I think the only investment we could have had would be a television advert or in the local paper. Making it appeal the all kinds of people and also showing people what a media course is like and what kind of work the talented students come up with. Also with a larger budget we could have hired professionals to take the stress away from, filming, lighting, editing and pictures. Also I think it would have been a good investment to of had refreshments and nibbles on the side, but again this was all out of our price range.

When organising any event leadership is important in many aspects, the main one making everything perfect on the night. As I was a presenter the only leadership I could really do would be making sure I know my script and getting everyone together to rehearse as much as they could. I think I could have known my script more off of heart, but that task was made a lot harder by the script changing a couple of days before the awards. I also had a lot of contribution into writing the script giving my opinion and telling them if I like it or not.

Communications/meeting requirements
As I was a presenter I was put in a group with the other presenter and the script writers, making our group an easy group of four. I think we were very lucky to have such a small group as it was easier to communicate with each other and that way we could all have an input as to what the script said. We all worked very well as a team and when the presenters were no longer needed we would rehearse our lines and designed and made our own cue cards for the night. Meeting were held regularly to check everything was going ok and there was no problems arising.

Achieving agreed outcomes/working to timescales.
When arranging the awards evening everything had to have a deadline or nothing would have been done in time and to a high standard. First of all the script had to be finished and proof read at least a week before the event. Unfortunately when it came to rehearsals we found huge mistakes and gaps in the script and it had to be redone from scratch a few days before the night of the event. Luckily it was completed and Becky and I could resume learning our lines and cramming as much rehearsing in as possible. I think if our group had made a more advanced and stricter time plan including extra time if we find errors, we wouldn’t of panicked so much when it came down to the time we had left.

Recommendations for future tasks.
I personally think the only thing I would have changed about the whole awards evening would be to learn my lines a bit better so I didn’t have to read the script so much. Apart from that I think the whole event went pretty smoothly and was a great form of entertainment for the audience.

What verbal or written feed back have you had from you adverts and the awards evening? Do you believe that your final contribution towards the adverts and awards evening would be acceptable in a professional work place?
After the awards I spoke to my parents who were members of the audience and they said it was I was great at presenting apart from a few minor hitches. I tended to speak to quickly and rushed my lines. I should have taken deep breathes and taken my time. I also tried to look at the audience who I was speaking to but it was very hard to make eye contact with anyone as I was being constantly blinded by the spotlight. Another problem I had was when I went up to the podium to introduce the next tutor to give the award, I was again to quick and I think by taking my time I would have relaxed the audience more.
In a professional work place I think my contribution to group work and discussions would have been acceptable, but obviously the only thing that would not have acceptable would have been me not knowing my lines. In a professional work place of that kind they are expected to know there lines back to front, which I didn’t, so if I ever had another chance to do that that’s what I would work harder on. But overall I had a great time and so did the audience which is the main thing.